Updated to Version1.2.9!
I updated my great and flagship app, "Battle of Starlight", to Version1.2.9!
I promise you this update takes "Battle of Starlight" more playable and better.
1. Start Button's Issue (when quick pushing) is fixed to be more playable.
2. Opening Scene's Issue (when quick pushing) is fixed to be MORE PLAYABLE.
3. Issue of Max Score which means High Score (flushing Aloud, when quick pushing) is fixed.
4. Issue in some DPI-sized Phones is fixed to be more suitable character's size and speed.
5. Full Screen's Issue over Android™ 4.4 KitKat™ (when display locked) is fixed.
If you have any opinion or feedback about this game, comment on this blog!
Click this (Google Play™ page) or Search on Google Play™ by "Battle of Starlight"!
I promise you this update takes "Battle of Starlight" more playable and better.
1. Start Button's Issue (when quick pushing) is fixed to be more playable.
2. Opening Scene's Issue (when quick pushing) is fixed to be MORE PLAYABLE.
3. Issue of Max Score which means High Score (flushing Aloud, when quick pushing) is fixed.
4. Issue in some DPI-sized Phones is fixed to be more suitable character's size and speed.
5. Full Screen's Issue over Android™ 4.4 KitKat™ (when display locked) is fixed.
If you have any opinion or feedback about this game, comment on this blog!
Click this (Google Play™ page) or Search on Google Play™ by "Battle of Starlight"!